Tuesday, September 14, 2010

So Sorry for the delay

So Sorry - We had a hectic time since the last post.  I am not sure if "hectic" is the right word.  I think "a scare" is a much better way to describe it.  I had a quad screen, which is a type of a blood test that tests for 4 things - spinal bifna is one of them.   I was going to decline the test, but when the nurse mentioned "spinal bifina"- I gave them permission to take the test.  They called me few days later, saying that I showed a possibility of having a Down Syndrome Baby.   So, they referred me to a high risk doctor. 

Daniel, my mother, my sister, and I went at the end of July - to the high risk doctor.  He explained that in 500 cases, only 10 women can test positive or shows abnormal results.  Then only 1 in 10 end up having a DS baby.   In my case, it was due to miscalculation between the last menstrual date and due date - it did not match (that can cause the risk to go up). The baby is healthy and perfect.  On the ultrasound, the doctor said, "That baby does not have Down Syndrome!  Look at how fast shes moving."  The peach was moving fast - it looks like she was body surfing or doing gymnastic in my belly.  :)

But, he did find 2 cysts on the baby's brain.  He said that it is due to the development of the brain.  Everyone get it. It normally dissolves by 24 weeks gestation.  In his 30+ years of being a high risk doctor, he only saw 1 woman that actucally gave birth to a baby that has cysts.  He ordered me to go back to see him in 1 month.  With a lot of prayers and putting our trust in God, our answers has been answered.  Our peach is fine - no cysts and no problems so far.  God is so GREAT!  :)

One funny thing happened while the 2nd visit to the high risk doctor - The peach was actually sleeping  and not moving much.  About 10 minutes before the tech was done taking the pictures, she woke up and looked like she got mad.  Then she processed to flip around and showed us her butt.  Here is the picture of her face - you can see her mouth opened and her fist next to her face.  

The scanner made it darker.... :(  There is a picture of her 2 feet, but again, the scanner made it so dark that you couldn't see it.  :(  I will fix it and hopefully, I will put them up as soon as I can.

On Aug 12, I was at my grandmother's house.  We just had got done with lunch.  I was laying down on the couch when I felt a kick.  I realized it was the peach and it was my first time to feel her moving.  I got excited and told my grandmother.  She was so excited that she got to be a part of the journey.  She called my mom while I told Daniel.  He was so determined to feel the peach.  Unfortunately, he did not get to feel her until Aug 28th. 

Mom2 (that is what I call my mother in law) and Ron was with us when Daniel felt the peach for the 1st time.  He said it was a huge powerful kick.  Mom2 got to take pictures right after Daniel felt the baby.  Here is the reactions.

Trying to feel the baby

Few seconds after he felt the Peach for the first time.

I love this picture of Daniel..... he looked like he was awed- does he?  :)

Lately, our baby has been a little bad girl.  She hasn't been letting her mommy have her beauty sleep.  Just kidding - :)  She has been moving a LOT!!! 

Here is the most recent picture of the belly which was taken on 9/14/10.  I am 26 weeks and 3 days along.

Oh, yeah, we also picked a name for our little peach. 

Her name will be  

Whitney Elizabeth Taneyhill.  

She is named after my sister, Whitney, who has been there for everyone in our family and is a role model to me even though I am the oldest.  :)  Daniel picked Elizabeth after my middle name because it rolled off just right and sounds perfect.  My side of the family is calling her Lola for a nickname after my greatgrandmother.  Daniel does not like it - so we are thinking of a nickname right now.  :)

We are going to our first vacation since we found out.  We are going to Disney World for 7 days and beach for 2 days - we cannot wait!!  :)

We also want to thank you all for praying and be there for us during this journey.  It has been full of surprises and changes.  We love you all!