Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to our Princess!!

Today is Whitney Elizabeth's first birthday!!  :)  So many memories from her birth is running through our minds.  The nervousness before she entered the world, then the joy and the love we thought didn't exist (yes, Daniel and I love each other, but this is the different kind of love) until we discovered when they handed us our daughter to us.  The joy and the sunshine that she gave us daily -- the goofy smiles, crawling, the way she signed, "what?".. too much to list... Daniel and I just want to wish you, our princess, a Happy Birthday!!  We love you!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

First Wagon

Daniel and I grew up riding in a radio flyer wagon, so when we had our baby- we knew we HAD to get one for our children.  We looked and looked everywhere for one.  Finally, I found one in Chattanooga.  That is a long story - that I will tell later.  :)  Anyway, it should look like this....

(P.S. I got this picture off the official website.)

Anyone that knows Daniel- knows that he has to be satisfied with things he has.  He want everything to be perfect for his daughter.  He decided to change it to this....

Yup... He actucally pimped it up.  :)  He decided on a black base with pink wheels and wooden base - Whitney Elizabeth hand-picked the pink color.  I was at Lowes, holding her.  I was trying to decide which color to pain the wooden part when Whitney Elizabeth kept reaching for the pink color bottle.  I kept putting it back and she kept grabbing it.  That was when I knew she wanted the pink color.  :)

Daniel is currently trying to make it look longer like a semi-truck.  A mini-verison, of course, and I hope NO cabin/bed inside.  :)

Yesterday, when Whitney Elizabeth woke up from her nap, I decided to take her for a spin in her wagon for the first time.  She loved it.  I took this picture.  I haven't combed her hair yet- so it was messy from her nap.  :)  I just LOVE her smile in this picture.  Oh - You can see her 2 tiny teeth, too. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Princess Catherine

Today, I woke up around 3:25am to get ready to watch the royal wedding while my husband and daughter was sleeping.  I got on Facebook and 3 friends of mine was already up so we all talked on chat.  :)  It is part of history and I always have loved the history of the British Royal Family. 

My daughter woke up around 5:45am.  I guess she heard the excitement and wanted to join her mommy in celebrating the wedding.  I was happy because I was not alone in watching the wedding. 

I thought the wedding was perfect and matched William and Katie.  It is their personalities.  It was not too fancy or flashy or too royal.  Except for the medals on the groom's uniform.  Hahah.

The dress is so gorgeous!!  Just right - simple, elegant, and modern for a princess. 

I was disppointed in the first kiss but was so happy they kissed 2nd time. 

Overrall, it was a gorgeous wedding and I loved the fact that I got to share this moment with my daughter.  :)  Our first royal wedding together!!  :)

Prince William and Princess Catherine leaving the Abbey


 So Happy to be watching the wedding with her mommy

 "What?  William and Kate?  Is that my uncle and aunt?  Lemme see!"
"Darn it, I missed the Kiss!"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

 Our Easter Bunny
Our little family!

We went to Chattanooga to spend Easter with my family.  My grandmother was not doing well so we decided to spend the entire day with her and the rest of my family.  My grandmother was over the moon when she saw her great-granddaughter.  It was worth seeing her so happy and acting like a little kid with a baby.  :)  I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!  

Meanwhile, I am going to add 2 things that friends of mine posted on their Facebook statuses - 

1) Greatest man in history, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him..... He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. ♥

2)Our Easter baskets every year are filled with jelly beans, but have you ever given thought to what each color means?
YELLOW our warming sun, 
BLUE our cleansing streams, 
BLACK the still of the night that nourishes our dreams, 
GREEN ever-growing grass that signifies rebirth, 
ORANGE our fertile land that covers GOD'S great earth, 
PURPLE sacrifice-HIS passions, pain & sorrow, 
PINK renews hope & faith of brighter days,
RED is for the blood JESUS shed to take our sins away, 

and WHITE peace I wish for you today and everyday! 

Have a Blessed Joyous Easter ♥

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Finally, an update....

I am finally updating the blog... I originally started the blog so the rest of the family can keep up on the progress of my pregnancy, birth, and development of my daughter, Whitney Elizabeth.  I was going to update it weekly.  But, I have failed on that.  It has been almost 17 weeks now.  :(  Forgive me!  :)

Now, the update - I am going to start with the day that our lives changed for the better.

Daniel and I went in the hospital on Dec 19th to be prepared to be induced.  They put Daniel and me in a huge room with a lot of windows.  They told me that they were going to put a pill up my vagina to soft the cervix then start the Picocin (?) drip at 8am to start the labor.  The nurse gave me the pill and a sleeping pill at midnight.  She said that I need to sleep and save energy for the delivery.  I fell asleep- finally!  Then around 2am, that morning, I woke up, feeling wet down there.  I alerted the nurse and told her that I thought I peed.  The nurse checked me and said that my water broke.  I had no contractions at all.  They gave me an epidural around 7 am (I forgot what time it was, but the sun was coming up from what I could tell from the windows in the room.)  That caused the contractions to get stronger.  The epidural immediately worked.  I couldn't move my legs at all.  I had tore my scar tissue in the lower belly in Oct (2 months before) at work and went in pre-term labor.  When I was in labor and on epidural, I could feel high level of contractions where I tore the scar tissue...It was so weird.  Feeling NO PAIN or Labor, except for that small area. 

My mother and grandmother came to the hospital around 9am.  It was my first time to see my grandmother since Oct 9th due to doctor's orders to stay in town and not go anywhere.  I cried when I saw my grandmother - I was so worried about her health.  Few minutes later, a nurse came in and said I was dilated to 3 cm and asked me about the pain.  I said it felt like contractions and was surprised I could feel it even though I was on epidural drip.  The anesthesiologist came back again and gave me a shot of a medicine to stop the pain.  It worked, but it made me sick to my stomach.  I spent the entire labor sleeping and throwing up.

My sisters, Whitney and Leslie, came around 1pm.  By then, I was already 7 or 8 cm.  We spent the time, taking pictures and having fun.  I was dozing off and on.  Around 2pm, the nurse came in and said I was already 9 cm and that I will have my baby by 4pm. 

The excitement was building up in the room while Daniel and I was nervous.  :)  For good reasons!  The nurse came back at 3pm, 4pm, and 5pm and said that I was still at 9 cm.  Ariel and Nate came by - all the way from Chattanooga.  :)  I was presented for their daughter's birth in Nov of 2009 and they were there for my daughter's birth.  :)  The nurse called my doctor - Dr. Marc Dean to check on me.  He came around 5:30pm and said that my cervix was swollen and the baby's heart beat was dropping while my blood pressure was rising.  He felt that a c-section was necessarily during this time.  He said that we had a choice of getting her out or try to wait couple of hours.  He also said that if we chose c-section, that we will have her in our arms less than 45 minutes. 

We decided to do a c-section. Once we decided that, boy... I couldn't believe how rushed or how fast things went... My family came in and we did a quick prayer for a safe delivery.  My sister, Whitney, was the interpreter for Daniel and me.  Daniel and Whitney went off to get dressed for the c-section.  The nurses came to get me to be wheeled to the operation room.  Right outside the doors, was my mother and grandmother. They wanted to hug me one last time. 

When I went in the doors, I saw Daniel and Whitney in scrubs.  They looked funny.  :)  All covered in blue.  Either I was high on meds or seeing things, I swore I thought they were smurfs.  Then they took me in the room #2 for c-section.  They were ready to do the c-section around 5:50pm.  Daniel was standing next to my head and Whitney was next to him.  I could see their face expressions.  At one point, Daniel asked me if I could feel anything.  I said no.  He said that the doctor was really aggressive and had his arm all the way in my belly.  Daniel said, "She's almost here!".  I said, "Please let me know when she is out."  He assured me he will let me know.  I knew she made her debut by seeing my sister raising her camera to take pictures and she was shaking and crying.  Then I saw Daniel's eyes watering up.  The next thing I knew.... I saw something BLOODY with a lump of brown hair on the top.  I realized that it was my daughter!!!  I told Daniel to go to be with our daughter!  Whitney stayed with me and I kept felling alseep during that period.  About 10 minutes later, Whitney woke me up and said that Whitney Elizabeth was 20 inches and weighted 8 lb and 1 oz! 

Shortly after Whitney told me that, Daniel woke me up and my eyes laid on the most beautiful baby I ever saw - my daughter, Whitney Elizabeth!  Our lives changed forever from that moment.

God has blessed us with a beautiful baby girl!   

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Now, her official debut!!

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